Through extensively examining relevant biblical and historical sources, two major questions with profound pastoral consequences are answered in this important book: Do infants inherit a sin nature from Adam? Although utilizing different models, most theologians agree that infants inherit a sin nature. However, are infants, therefore, guilty before God? In answering this second question, Adam Harwood challenges the dominant systematic discourse and properly reorients our understanding of infant salvation. Harwood's careful thesis will stand.
The book can be purchased here or here. Congratulations go to Dr. Harwood for this signal achievement.
This is such an important topic for pastors. I have witnessed the negative results from mishandling this subject. Thanks for bringing this book to our attention, Dr. Yarnell.
Yes, Chad, I remember the first time I performed a funeral. It was for an infant who had died in the crib. The questions, the pain, the need for affirmations of divine love and righteousness and sovereignty. Here is a crisis to define one's cure of souls.